<aside> 👍🏽 All the below claims are based on an average 90-person home.


Why 90 people?

We based our calculations on Ontario because it’s the province that the 10 retirement home chains we have in-person demos & 2 confirmed pilots with have a majority presence in. Its senior population is quite small compared to other major provinces/states across the world, Canada isn’t even in the top 20 countries in terms of senior population [1] and Ontario doesn’t even have the largest senior population when compared to other provinces [2].

There are 660 retirement homes that are members of The Ontario Retirement Communities Association (ORCA).

According to the ORCA:

Member homes provide accommodation and services to nearly 60,000 seniors and represent over 90% of the suites in the retirement home sector in Ontario.

60,000 seniors / 660 retirement homes = ~90 seniors per home.

To put this into perspective, here’s the average number of seniors per retirement home in other cities:


  1. https://www.prb.org/resources/countries-with-the-oldest-populations-in-the-world/
  2. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/newfoundland-labrador/cp-atlantic-provinces-seniors-2043-1.6432892#:~:text=Newfoundland and Labrador is the,23.6 percent in 2021.
  3. https://www.caring.com/senior-living/nursing-homes/florida